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The Full Story

Who is Lost Tribe Adventures? 

We are Aaron (39), Steph (38), Wesley (6) & Georgi (3). Originally from the Gold Coast we packed up our life, rented out our home & set off on our never-ending lap. We have now currently been on the road for almost 2 years with no intentions of heading back anytime soon. 


Before travel life we juggled two businesses with both kids from home. We were both accredited Asset Finance Brokers (for the last 10 yrs) & Steph also had her own children’s label which kept us both very busy. We soon realise that money and assets weren’t everything in life, and wanted to give our children memories they would remember forever. 


What is your travel setup and has this evolved over time?


So, we leaped right to the big stuff and never started with anything else which seems a little risky when your new to the game, but we haven’t looked back & don’t intent to any time soon. 


Our travel setup is a 2019 22ft Wonderland Adventus. We purchased our van second hand and it had already done a complete lap around Australia before it became our own.

Both of us worked many years in a Toyota dealership so it was a no brained for us to settle on a 2021 Toyota 76 Crusier. We knew it wasn’t the most luxurious of them all but one thing we knew is how reliable & capable the butter box would be! Plus, it was a bonus for Aaron to get his hands on that childhood dream! 


We absolutely love that our setup allows us to see such beautiful destinations & meet so many like-minded people! 

What’s your favourite part of your setup and one thing you would change?


If we could change one thing it would be the blinds! Can’t stand them! So hard to clean! 


Ideally, we would love a Wonderland the next time around although we would get a lower tare weight, so we are able to add a tinny to our setup.  Other than that, we are VERY happy with what we have! 


How long have you been on the road and how long do you plan to travel?


We have been living in our van for over 2.5 years, however been full time on the road for the almost 2 years. The other 5 months we camped in Steph’s mum and dad’s backyard while our car continued to get delayed over and over. 


We don’t have an end date on our travels and hope to continue to live this life for years to come. 


Best travel memory so far? 


We have absolutely loved being on the Yorke Peninsula this second time around. Aaron has loved spearfishing & diving for Abalone & fish, it’s been an amazing experience. We have learnt so many new things the last couple of weeks & made friendships to last a lifetime. 


We have had so many amazing memories it’s so hard to pick just one. Kangaroo Island was also a favourite time for us. We lived of the land, met awesome mates and just took things really slowly. It almost felt like island life for us. 

We’re stoked to see what 2024 holds for us!


Have you visited a place that didn’t live up to your expectations?


Yes! Cape Hillsborough was such a stunning place to visit however we were disappointed to see that the Kangaroos on the beach wasn’t a natural experience. They were coached down to the beach with food pellets. 


What’s your best travel hack? 


I think most people would say WikiCamps. It’s basically our bible on the road. Other apps we find handy are the ‘Petrol Spy’ app, this has helped us a-lot with locating cheap fuel prices and saved us a lot of $$. Another great one is the Windy app. This has been very accurate helping us chase the good weather all year round. 


We also recommend (especially for the families) a second freezer in the back of the car & a water bladder so you can keep your van stationary when staying off grid for a long period of time. Then you can cart water to your van. 

Favourite food/meal to cook while travelling?


We are a big fan of anything Mexican. We eat a lot of Tacos, Enchiladas & Nachos. Easy to whip up and doesn’t create to much mess & the kiddos love em to! 


What are you spending on average each week and how are you funding your trip? 


Oh gosh… um, so we don’t keep a budget! But we also don’t lash out. We choose our experiences wisely, spend money on the things we need. I wouldn’t say we are completely tight. We live pretty comfortably. 


When we get low and start to break into our nest egg, we then top up with work on the road. It’s great to be able to try new things & experience different types of jobs. Aaron worked on the Cane Haul out which was something he’d never imagined doing & also for an Earthmoving Company driving different types of trucks. He really enjoyed the change. 


We also have other ways of income from our Finance Business which we still do here and there on the road. 


What’s a piece of advice you have for other travellers on the road or preparing for their big lap?


Never listen to someone else’s opinion on a camp. Make your own mind up about it as what you like and what someone else likes could be completely different. Plus, the weather, the company of others etc can change the feel of a camp or someone’s experience! 


Travelling Australia isn’t always about the destinations but the people you meet. Some of our best memories and friends are made in roadside stops or Gravel pits! 


Where are you guys headed in the near future?


We are kicking around North Queensland for the next couple of months before heading back to SA for another work stint. Normally we don’t plan ahead as the plans generally change a lot. But we have some super exciting plans for the new year and can’t wait to share it all with you!



Get out there, life your best life. 

If you want it bad enough, you’ll make it happen. 

At the end of the day, money fades, people change, 

but memories will live on forever!

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